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Our school aims for every student to have a 100% attendance record and we know that this is also the aim of the vast majority of parents and carers.

The link between attendance and attainment is proven. It is important for all students to attend school every day if they are to gain the best possible results. For example, nationally, students whose attendance is between 97% and 100% achieve 1 grade higher at GCSE than those whose attendance is between 93% and 96%.

In order to support us in this, please note our attendance procedures as outlined below. This system applies to all students.

  • If a student’s attendance falls to below 96% a notification letter will be sent by our Attendance Manager. Attendance will then be monitored.
  • If attendance drops to 93% another letter will be sent stating that further absences will not be authorised without medical evidence (an appointment letter, copy of prescription, Doctor’s note).
  • If absences continue without adequate evidence, they will be unauthorised and a Fixed Penalty Notice warning letter will be sent.
  • If a student has 15 or more unauthorised absences in any two consecutive terms, a Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued by the Local Authority. The amount payable is £60 (per parent) if paid within 21 days or £120 (per parent) if paid after 21 days but within 28 days of receipt of the notice.

Parents have a duty to ensure their child’s regular attendance at school and failure to do so is an offence under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.

Please be aware that students arriving late to school in the morning will have their absence marked as unauthorised unless the late arrival can be justified. All students must be on site by 8.35am at the latest and in their registration groups by 8.40am. The school is open from 8.00am and many of our students arrive early in order to avoid road congestion, go to the canteen for breakfast, study in the library or get involved in a pre-school club.

If your child vomits, it is our policy that you keep your child at home for a period of 24 hours from the last bout of vomiting.

If you are unable to book a medical, dental or optician appointment out of school hours, please try to avoid your child missing morning or afternoon registration or key subject lessons as this has a negative effect on their overall attendance figure.